Aster's Angel drawings open the sientific eye!

Dr. Vladimir Sivitsky, PhD:

Research of ideomotor effect and automatic drawing: the real situation.

What does Angel drawings have to do with ideomotor effect ? Over the past 150 years there has been done plenty of research into the subjects of ideomotor effect and automatic drawing. Obviously, the term Angel Drawing is Aster's own terminology where the term ideomotor was first coined by William B. Carpenter in 1852. Ideomotor drawing, they both involve bodily movements that occur involuntarily and subconsciously, rather than by deliberate decision. When magnified in certain circumstances this unexpected behaviour can have the appearance of being a supernatural occurrence. Skeptics have proposed the ideomotor effect as an explanation for phenomena observed in ouija séances, dowsing, the use of a pendulum, automatic writing and today, we are happy to add angel drawing to that list.

The International Humanitarian and Economics Institute has been touching additional aspects of ideomotor research. The institute became interested because ideomotor effect and automatic drawing is depicted in many esotheric books but until today no one got a chance to have a closer look on the real situation, let alone study a real person doing this.

We knew about spiritist and surrealist ways, we also knew that in the past famous artists like Masson, Dali and others did it, and that the artform and concepts were represented in literature, but no one could imagine that nowadays there would still be someone occupied with it. We have learned that he has been in touch with artists abroad whose work he recognises as comparable to his own. In 2002 Aster formed a global initiative exploring transcendental ideomotor art named TIA group.

Contacts with the world of spirits, clininal death, talking to God.

Our interaction has not been broad enough to see any mystical connection. But there are some connections involved and we hope to find them out by analysing Aster's notes. When he was five years old he went through clinical death. According to Aster he went through some mystical experiences. He says that afterwards he started to talk to god.

Experimenting with substances

Aster doesn’t use anything special to get into trance but does expiriment with different substances which are able to weaken or strengthen the power of the contacts he has. From experimenting with different substances he came to the conclusion that they don’t really influence the specific way of drawing but rather that they make the contact less or more powerful. This doesn’t contradict our assumption that the phenomena Angel drawing is evolving from his nervous system and level of consciousness.

Music and other circumstances

During the process of Angel drawing he is always using music but the type of music doesn’t make the output any different. It is important for him to have a foreground or background music, the rythm and harmony enhances his emotions and the ideomotor force seems to click with that. It seems that, in Asters experience, the ideomotor force interacts with rythm, specific sounds and hamonies, and plays on his emotions rather than acting according to thought patterns. This way, ideomotor acting becomes like a dance in a way. Aster is using any type of music, whichever suits his mood of the day. He preferably works to symphonic and power rock music of YES. According to Aster, the band is an angelic presence of mega-proportions.

Capturing the projected images of Angels

The processes of automatic drawing, though it is controlled, can be interrupted. But if it is interrupted Aster always captures the content or the image of the Angel or intelligent being he has contact with. He knows the names of the beings he is communicating with. During the process of drawing Aster always receives additional information in his mind which is not seen in the pictures he is drawing. He calls this 'devine instream'. Aster has a rather broad knowledge of mystics and esotherics that, according to him, he did not acquire through books. So this shows that this information could have been acquired through his contacts with other beings. The creatures he has contact with can repeatedly appear but the images are always different.

An aspect of automatic drawing: overlapping imagery

The original Angel drawings which he creates are always a-symmetric. The symmetry of his lithography is created with the help of the mirror tool in Adobe Photoshop. By using a mirror grid Aster tries to make us see that his a-symetrical ideomotor drawings are a synergy of overlapping individual partial imagery that are separate and incomplete. By using the mirror Aster completes every incomplete image with its mirror half. This way he achieves a sense of openness, wholeness and peace, which makes the original message more understandable and more influencing. By doing this, Aster demonstrates mystical qualities of his angel drawings according to his own asterism, a reality that otherwise would remain hidden in the two dimensionality of the drawing, to name a few: holistic qualities, feather identity, totem identity, IS and ISIS presences, omni-directional projection, multidimensionality and the idea of pseudo-eternality, animation vs anemotion, and many more metaphysical subjects.

The idea of using a mirror originates from his friend Elly Crystal, a psychic from Brooklyn NY, who questioned Aster if his angel drawings were overlapping in imagery as she remembered the automatic drawings of her mother did. So Aster's symmetric litographs are created afterwards in the professional lithography studio; the creation of their original mother image, the original ideomotor drawing, you will be able to observe during the film we will show.

Angel Drawings : A unique video!

In our opinion the film we are going to see is truly unique. At least according to the information we have at the moment we couldn’t find any record about any of this kind of film being made. Aster did it as an answer to our request. Aster can also draw without opening his eyes. In this case the image will be different, so there the feedback of information influences the final image. The ideomotor effect is still adequately in place when Aster draws with eyes open. With eyes closed, Aster is dissociated from the image because he cannot and will not use his mind and memory system to follow the image which is developing. All the information he recieves is coming from his communication with Angels. Actually we did ask this question on purpose because there was ofcourse a possibility that he watched some film dedicated to this theme and read some book on this topic, but all the knowledge about acrotism and esotherics he received from other sources.